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Khonshu Helm
3Dmodel by Bstar3Dart
This was a commission for physical production of another artist's 3Dmodel. The client purchased the model from Bstar3Dart, and I began production. Firstly, the model was wonderfully crafted and sliced; I also used some end-of-spool filament to create additional reinforcement straps. Afterwards, I assembled the 3Dprint and gap-filled with wood putty, reinforcing the seams with epoxy-sculpt on the interior. After the first wave of sanding, I applied a coat of XTC-3D resin to fill most striation imperfections. Following that was more sanding, priming, wet-sanding, and painting. Finally, I installed construction helmet straps for a secure fit on my client's head. This massive helmet weighed 17lbs, and the adjustable straps made the otherwise unwieldy helmet wearable. Photos of my progress and final below.
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